Longboarding Lennox Main

Sponsors Both Club & Lennox Longboard Classic Level. 

The club has been fortunate to have some longterm & very prominent sponsors both Club, Classic & now “One Dayer”

Firstly Club – Longterm

The Lennox Hotel, Lennox Motors, Triple X Wetsuits.



 Lennox Longboard Classic Major Sponsors PAST & PRESENT

2013 , 2014, 2015 Bintang 2014 Logo (2)

MAJOR Sponsors for the Lennox Longboard Classics for 5 years 2010 – 2015  Global Surf Industries.


Web- www.surfindustries.com.au

 Old Guys Rule. Major Sponsor For 3 years & Naming rights for 3 years. 2010. 2011 & 2012,

2013 2014,  Divisional Sponsor



Web- www.oldguysrule.com.au





Long-term Lennox Longboard Classic Sponsors

Stomp Surf Wax, 2010 – 2016


Dirty Dog Eyewear,

Dirty dog eyewear,red






Lennox Beach Resort Lennox Head formally Headland Beach Resort

New logo landscape no starsInner Beauty Lennox Head, 2007 – 2019


Lennox Gelato & Coffee Co, 2014 – 2019

lennox gelato PRINT (2)-001





Herron Todd & White 2010 – 2019

Corporate Landscape_RGB





 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Major Lennox Longboard Classic Sponsor

Mobile Plumbing Logo 2017 Smaller Framed






 And New to  The Club & Classic 2016 – 2019

Hueys Choice Surf Wax

Sideways-Surf-Outlet-Square-CMYKRip CurlFree Flight logo 2019Amos Shapes


 Having these Valued Sponsors on BOARD is greatly appreciated by the crew at Lennox. & we thank them for their Past &  continued support.


Club Trailer Sponsors

Club Rounds Sponsor 2021, 2022 , 2023 & 2024
Club Rounds & One Dayer Sponsor 2021, 2022, & 2023 & 2024
Major Sponsor Lennox Longboard “ONE DAYER” 2022 2023 & 2024 & Club Rounds Sponsor 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024
Major Club Sponsor 2022, 2023 & 2024
Club Sponsor 2022,2023 & 2024
Club Sponsor & WEB PAGE Provider 2022.2023, & 2024